by Jojo Moyes
Attendees: Lori Gilbert, Pam Meyers, Michelle Smith (host), Cheryl Swenson, Mary Margaret Shepherd, Amy Rarick, Janna Atkins
Discussion: As a group, we really liked this book! It was a quick read. If we had a criticism, it was that Louisa's declining relationship with Patrick was predictable.
Lively discussion! Topics ranged from the theological ramifications of euthanasia, where assisted suicide is legal (Washington, Oregon, Luxembourg), to how Christian Bale will be an excellent Will Traynor in the movie coming out in 2015.
Character Development: Really thinking about what it would be like to be quadriplegic was one of the greatest lessons that we got from the book. We really liked both the main characters and were rooting for their relationship. Ultimately, we understood why Will made his decision and how his death freed Louisa to do things she wouldn't have done before meeting Will.
Lori (aka, English teacher in a former life) said, "Will changed, but he didn't change his mind."
Our quote of the night came later in the evening and shouldn't be repeated in polite company.
We gave this book a solid 5 stars: I would recommend this book to a friend.
Our next Book Club is Thursday, September 11 and we'll discuss What She Left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Host TBD.