Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - October 10

Nan, Mary Margaret, Michelle and Lori all engaged in deep and meaningful conversations
Attendees for the evening (11): Cheryl (hostess), Myra, Pam, Susan, Amy, Emily, Nan, Mary Margaret, Michelle, Lori, Pat

When Harold Fry discovers that a former friend and colleague is seriously ill, he sets out to mail her a letter but instead embarks on a 600-mile walk across England.

One of the main themes of the novel: A seemingly ordinary life can take on extraordinary aspects. "Life might appear ordinary simply because the person living it had been doing so for a long time."

Harold never fully understands why he started his journey or all he is walking for; he just knows he must keep going. The novel gave us moments of connection, the reawakening of a woman frozen by grief, and examples of the ability of people to touch one another's lives.

Most readers were surprised how far gone Queenie was in her illness by the time Harold arrived; she was in a much worse state than we presumed.

Several main characters were well developed. We felt the overall idea that "it's not the destination but the journey that matters" stayed with us.

Rating: 4.0
Amy's quote of the night: "All this nonsense is about the clowns!"
Hostess Cheryl hopes that everyone takes home some leftovers!

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